Item type |
紀要論文 / Departmental Bulletin Paper(1) |
公開日 |
2016-03-22 |
タイトル |
タイトル |
Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy -Spiritual Well-Being-Non-Illness(Facit-Sp-Non-Illness)日本語版の信頼性・妥当性の検証 |
言語 |
ja |
タイトル |
タイトル |
Reliability and Validity of the Japanese version of Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Spiritual Well-Being-Non-Illness |
言語 |
en |
言語 |
言語 |
jpn |
資源タイプ |
資源タイプ識別子 | |
資源タイプ |
departmental bulletin paper |
著者 |
入江, 亘
塩飽, 仁
鈴木, 祐子
井上, 由紀子
相墨, 生恵
抄録 |
内容記述タイプ |
Abstract |
内容記述 |
本研究の目的は, 患者用に開発されたFacit-Sp を基に作成されたFacit-Sp-Non-Illness 日本語版の信頼性と妥当性を検証し, 患者以外のSpirituality の評価を可能にすることである。我々はFacit-Sp-Non-Illness 日本語版を順翻訳,逆翻訳によって作成した。調査は2015 年にインターネット調査会社を通して実施し,200 名から回答を得た。最尤法,Promax 回転を用いた12 項目の探索的因子分析により原版と同様2 因子構造が得られた。Cronbach のα係数は各因子,全体で.87〜.92 であった。Facit-Sp-Non-Illness の併存的妥当性はSpirituality 評定尺度から,弁別的妥当性は,宗教への信仰によりそれぞれ確認した。Facit-Sp-Non-Illness 日本語版は信頼性と妥当性を確保できると考えられた。 |
言語 |
ja |
抄録 |
内容記述タイプ |
Abstract |
内容記述 |
Objectives: The Functional Assessment of Chronic Illness Therapy-Spiritual Well-Being (Facit-Sp) is widely used to measure the spirituality of patients around the world, including Japan. This study aimed to examine the validity and reliability of the Japanese version of Facit-Sp-Non-Illness, which was developed based on Facit-Sp. The purpose of developing Facit-Sp-Non-Illness was to evaluate the spirituality of healthy people. Methods & Results: We developed the Japanese version of Facit-Sp-Non-Illness through translation and back translation of Facit-Sp. Translation was performed with the permission of the original developer. The validity of content was confirmed once child healthcare researchers and graduate school students had performed a review following the implementation of forward and backward translations by two bilingual healthcare professionals. The participants were 200, sourced by an internet research company in 2015. The average age of the respondents was 49.16 (Standard Deviation = 11.87), made up of equal number of females and males. The exploratory factor analysis of 12 items using promax rotation revealed two domains as per the estimation in the original version: Meaning/Peace (8 items) and Faith (4 items). The Cronbach’s alpha coefficients of the total score and for each domain were .92 and .87 to .91, respectively. The convergent validity of the Facit-SP-Non-Illness was confirmed by the Spirituality rating scale. The Spearman’s correlation coefficients of the total score and each of the domains were .75 (p < .0001) and .67 (p <.0001) to .75 (p <.0001), respectively. The discriminate validity was cross-checked with the participants’ religious beliefs. No significant differences were seen in the spirituality scores between the groups, based on whether the respondents held religious beliefs. Conclusion: These results suggest the Japanese version of Facit-Sp-Non-Illness has sufficient reliability and validity. |
言語 |
en |
書誌情報 |
en : Archives of Tohoku Bunka Gakuen University Nursing
巻 5,
号 1,
p. 1-8,
発行日 2016-03-31
出版者 |
出版者 |
東北文化学園大学医療福祉学部看護学科 |
収録物識別子タイプ |
収録物識別子 |
2186-6546 |
書誌レコードID |
収録物識別子タイプ |
収録物識別子 |
AA1294435X |
論文ID(NAID) |
識別子タイプ |
関連識別子 |
120005728274 |